Causes and Treatment of diarhea in babies

Babies are newborns from age 0 to 4, this is a wide range when we consider some topics like diarrhea in babies.

Babies who have not started solid foods can have diarrhea and be fine, especially when teething.

Therefore, diarrhea in newborn babies (1-month-old), diarrhea in teething babies, and diarrhea in babies that are 1 year old or more are not interpreted the same way.

Similarly, diarrhea in breastfed babies vs formula-fed babies, or when other symptoms such as fever, and cold accompany diarrhea or the color of diarrhea.


What is Considered Diarrhea in Babies?

For most first-time moms, diarrhea may be very difficult to understand in their children.

Diarrhea in babies is when there’s a sudden increase in bowel movements, usually more than 4, looseness of the stool with mucus, and smell bad.

When the baby also has a fever, blood in the stool, and poor appetite, then it can be considered chronic diarrhea.

Fever and diarrhea in babies are common, same way mucus in the stool, and these are diarrhea in babies’ symptoms and a good pointer that your little one needs medical attention.

Especially if your little one vomit in conjunction with diarrhea, his body quickly loses a lot of fluids and the electrolyte balance gets disrupted.

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This is referred to as dehydration of the body, it can be dangerous to your baby’s health.

Causes and Treatment of diarhea in babies

Symptoms of Diarrhea in Babies

Is it a yellowish, reddish, whitish, or greenish diarrhea, is it watery and has mucus, and it is more than 3 days non-stop?

It is advisable to take a dirty diaper with you to the doctor so that he can make the diagnosis more easily through an apparent examination or laboratory tests.

As I’ve said above, the symptoms of diarrhea in babies are watery poo, mucus in the poop, more than 5 poop diaper changes, fever and diarrhea, vomit and excessive bowel movements, stool color changes, and foul smell of poop.

You should get worried when diarrhea lasts for more than 4 days, and especially if there’s blood in it and the color changes, it could mean other things.


What Causes Baby Diarrhea?

Diarrhea could be caused by food intolerance, either directly or from the foods the mother has taken.

The use of drugs either by the baby or the mother can also trigger diarrhea.

Teething is also responsible for diarrhea in babies.

However, most often, diarrhea is caused by bacterial, viral, or fungal infections.

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How do You Treat Diarrhea In Babies?

There’s no cause for alarm if your baby is having diarrhea, just make sure you keep your baby hydrated with water.

You should also start ORS salt solution or other electrolyte drinks and give them to your baby twice daily so the baby doesn’t get dehydrated.

Continue to breastfeed your baby and if he’s already eating solid food, give cereals, applesauce, bananas, and other foods that can help with diarrhea.

In all, you should consult your doctor or pediatrician before you start any self-medication at home.


Other FAQs

How long does diarrhea last for a baby?

In most cases, diarrhea lasts for about 4 days, and for teething diarrhea, it’s usually mild with up to 4 or 5 diaper changes daily and fever, or sometimes, vomit.

How much is too much Diarrhea?

When a baby has more than 7 bowel movements daily, and there’s a change in the poop, then it should be considered severe or chronic diarrhea.

When should you get worried about the baby’s diarrhea?

You should consult your doctor immediately if it’s a reddish stool, your baby vomits 3 times or more daily, weight loss, diarrhea is chronic or there’s also fever.

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Why does my baby have diarrhea but no other symptoms?

A baby that’s more than 2 years of age can have diarrhea without developing other symptoms above-mentioned, especially if the diarrhea is caused by parasites, bacteria, or viruses.

What color is teething diarrhea?

Teething diarrhea can be light yellow or greenish. The foods the mother is eating are the most important factor in the color of the baby’s poop

What does yellow diarrhea mean in babies?

Breastfed baby diarrhea is usually yellowish since a normal breastfed poop is mustard yellow or brown.

What medicine can I give my baby to stop diarrhea?

You can get over-the-counter drugs like oral rehydration solution (ORS), Ceralyte, Pedialyte, Enfalyte, or any other antibiotics and electrolyte solutions, depending on the cause of the runs.

You can stop watery diarrhea with these applications.

How can I harden my baby’s diarrhea?

You should either give ORS or solid foods, cereals, fruits, and flour

What should I feed a baby with Diarrhea?

Breastmilk or formula as long as your baby is not sensitive to the milk he’s feeding on.

Cooked eggs, bananas, flour-made foods with low sugar, applesauce, rice, pasta, etc can be offered to babies that have started solid foods.