Pregnant women are often told not to engage in stressful activities, yet, exercises are good for pregnant women.
Although, there are some exercises to avoid during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester to prevent miscarriage.
Jogging or running is not harmful during pregnancy, but the duration and intensity can make a big difference in terms of its benefits and safety.
Also, a woman that exercises regularly before pregnancy would do better in jogging or running while pregnant than a woman that does not jog or run frequently before getting pregnant.
Is Jogging/Running Helpful while Pregnant?
Jogging/Running while pregnant certainly has health benefits, irrespective of whether it’s in the first, second, or third trimester.
- It can help you to control weight gain
- Jogging can make labor easier
- It can help your baby’s motor skills development
- It can relieve you of boredom and mental stress
- Exercises can even help reduce pregnancy complications
Jogging has become a habit for many pregnant women like a shower or having a cup of coffee but your exercises should be guided by a fitness expert.
If you love jogging, you have no complications, and your doctor doesn’t restrict you from exercising, then you can keep running until the middle of the second trimester, but just keep doing it.
How long should you run while Pregnant?
Jogging or running while pregnant isn’t the concern, the following questions in the minds of a pregnant woman should be answered first.
- When should you start jogging? In the first, second, or third trimester
- When should you stop running during pregnancy?
- How do you know if you’re fit for jogging and running?
Pregnancy is not a time for experiments, you need to speak with your doctor, and recommendations would be made based on the assessment of your health.
For example, if a pregnant woman has some heart, kidney, lung, or placenta problems, it’s not advisable she engages in running activities.
Your doctor may also not recommend jogging or running if you suffer from preeclampsia, serious anemia, or have a risk of preterm labor.
Tips for Running while Pregnant
Without any complication, 10 minutes of jogging/running after 5 weeks of pregnancy is fine.
You can increase this to 20 to 30 minutes in the second trimester, and reduce it again to 10 minutes in the third trimester till the 9th month of pregnancy.
Is it Safe to Start Jogging while Pregnant?
Jogging or running is safe while pregnant but you should not go over your limit.
As long as you’re comfortable with it, have no complications, and your doctor has not advised against it, then you can jog.
However, in some women, running in early pregnancy can cause miscarriage.
Also, cramping after jogging while pregnant is also common in most women.
Most women also experience pelvic pain after running during pregnancy, especially when a long distance is covered.
To play safe, you can use a belly band for running while pregnant, it can support your lower back and abdomen during exercises.
So, you shouldn’t begin introducing yourself to running classes; it’s better to postpone them until the end of the postpartum period.
Risks of Jogging or Running during Pregnancy
During pregnancy, a woman’s body produces the hormone relaxin, which relaxes the ligaments to ease labor, so jogging increases the likelihood of injuring the joints.
That’s another reason for untrained women to postpone this sport. During classes, control your state, and watch your pulse and breath.
If you’re having any pain in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge, or shortness of breath, you should immediately stop exercising and see a doctor.
What are the contraindications?
In the second trimester, the size of the belly increases noticeably shifting the center of gravity and increasing the likelihood of falling and having an injury.
From this period on, it’s better to stop jogging. You can’t jog if there is a threat of pregnancy termination.
The morning sickness, complications in the development of the baby, and placenta previa are also reasons for the cancellation.
Jogging is not suitable for expectant mothers who have had miscarriages and uterine bleeding.
In any case, without the permission of a doctor, you shouldn’t go jogging.
Jogging can be replaced by swimming since exercises in the water can reduce unnecessary stress on the spine and all muscle groups.
Another replacement option is doing exercises on an ellipsoid, which reduces overload on the musculoskeletal system, as well as vibration of internal organs.